All in Contemporary Significance

"Social Media" Networks and the Christian Movement: Three Phases

My role last night [in a discussion on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism] was to discuss briefly the impact the printing press had on these two faith communities and the world. That set me thinking about various forms of "social media" and "networks" in their various expressions through the ages, and how Christians used such media for the sake of the gospel and the church.

"Strange" Emotions: 5 Very Biblical Longings Embodied in Superhero Movies

Last week my son and I finally made it to a showing of Doctor Strange. We are superhero movie fans, and this block-buster did not disappoint. We had a great dad-and-son outing. 

In recent years, it seems the world needs to be saved all over again every few months, and Marvel Studios and DC Entertainment are more than happy to take our money as we witness yet another deliverance.