All in Delight in the Word


A couple of years ago I was introduced by a friend to THE BIBLE PROJECT, and I want you as my readers to be familiar with them too. The brainchild of Dr. Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins, THE BIBLE PROJECT communicates solid, engaging, biblical training in a beautifully done video format. These guys are passionate about people reading and knowing the story of the Bible, and I love what they are offering the church!

Let’s Get Ready to Read the Bible Through in 2017!: 5 Steps

Over the past twenty-five years, studies have demonstrated conclusively the correlation between reading the Bible on a daily basis and personal spiritual health. In fact, according to such studies, no other practice of the Christian life serves as such an accurate predictor of whether a person is thriving spiritually. God’s Word nourishes us, encourages us, leads us, teaches us, equips, and corrects us (1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Tim. 3:16). It offers us words to pray, a language for intimate community with other believers, and a Story for understanding our place in the universe.