““Read the Bible for Life is transforming our church one life at a time . . .””
““Our hunger to read and know God’s word has been revived.””
A book for going deeper into the topics covered in the video curriculum, or it can be used in place of the video curriculum as a 16-week training tool for small-group study.
A 1-year Bible, chronological reading plan, with daily coaching in how to read the selection for the day and discussion questions at the end of each week. Can be used with any translation.
““We are very encouraged by the participation, and find that reading the Bible through together, along with each week’s sermons that are from the readings — is helping create unity. Or, put another way, the Holy Spirit creates unity; maybe we’re just aligning with him more!””
Dr. George H. Guthrie serves as Professor or New Testament at Regent College in Vancouver, BC, Canada.