Let’s Get Ready to Read the Bible Through in 2017!: 5 Steps

Over the past twenty-five years, studies have demonstrated conclusively the correlation between reading the Bible on a daily basis and personal spiritual health. In fact, according to such studies, no other practice of the Christian life serves as such an accurate predictor of whether a person is thriving spiritually. God’s Word nourishes us, encourages us, leads us, teaches us, equips, and corrects us (1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Tim. 3:16). It offers us words to pray, a language for intimate community with other believers, and a Story for understanding our place in the universe.

"Strange" Emotions: 5 Very Biblical Longings Embodied in Superhero Movies

Last week my son and I finally made it to a showing of Doctor Strange. We are superhero movie fans, and this block-buster did not disappoint. We had a great dad-and-son outing. 

In recent years, it seems the world needs to be saved all over again every few months, and Marvel Studios and DC Entertainment are more than happy to take our money as we witness yet another deliverance.

4 Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Authors

This week I am at the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Society of Biblical Literature. Among other things, such conferences are bookfests, large exhibit halls filled with book publishers, talking to authors about their books, selling books (often at steep discounts), and planning to publish more and more books. So the setting reminded me of a post I did several years ago, on the spiritual dynamics surrounding having a book released to the world. The following is that post.