Welcome to my website. My goal is to help you & me grow in our ability to understand, love & live the Bible. On this site you can find training help, resources for your church, and inspiration for engaging the Scriptures. Enjoy!
A few weeks ago, as I was preparing to teach the book of Philippians in Israel, I was translating the fourth chapter. Phil. 4:2-3 reads like this:
"I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to align their perspectives in the Lord! Indeed, I also ask you, true companion, help these women (literally, "them") who have labored alongside me, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow-workers whose names are in the book of life!" (Phil. 4:2-3)
My role last night [in a discussion on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism] was to discuss briefly the impact the printing press had on these two faith communities and the world. That set me thinking about various forms of "social media" and "networks" in their various expressions through the ages, and how Christians used such media for the sake of the gospel and the church.
I love visiting this country for many reasons, but I would like to mention 4 and encourage you to take the trip if you get the opportunity. Let me tell you 4 reasons why you should consider doing so.
A couple of years ago I was introduced by a friend to THE BIBLE PROJECT, and I want you as my readers to be familiar with them too. The brainchild of Dr. Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins, THE BIBLE PROJECT communicates solid, engaging, biblical training in a beautifully done video format. These guys are passionate about people reading and knowing the story of the Bible, and I love what they are offering the church!
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” I remember very well using Phil. 4:13 as a high school quarterback. It was my go-to, “can-do” passage, used as part encouragement, part promise, an easily-remembered verse telling me that I was not subject to the limitations of my own meager abilities but could expect help from God himself, if I depended on him. God would give me the ability to do above and beyond.